Nphysics 101 lecture notes pdf

These class notes are designed for use of the instructor and students of the course phys2020. Get demo here have man stand at several places calculate force on each support. The physical line connecting points aand eis the horizontal orange line. Find materials for this course in the pages linked along the left. A second year course including twelve lectures on special relativity taught by michael fowler at the university of virginia in 1999. Other lecture notes can be found on the physics 111 website. They are only a guide and should not be used as a substitute for the text or for attending the lecture. Right above support, middle painter homework problem. The following lecture notes are prepared based on the textbook \physics for scientists and engineers, fourth edition, by giancoli for use in phy211, general physics. The course contains bitesized video lessons and interactive practice quizzes to.

Relavisc momentum, energy, conversion of mass and energy. Lecture 14 torque and equilibrium todays lecture will cover textbook chapter 8. Wave speeds midway through the 19th century, it was established that light is an electromagnetic em wave. Do classical laws of momentum and energy conservaon remain valid in einsteins relavity. These notes are my personal notes made in preparation of the lectures. The reason for this is that physics is an experimental science. See info on the world wide web heavily used in physics 101. If you are not yet enrolled in lab, go to every lab section and try to add. Lecture notes physics veer surendra sai university of. Lectures on kinetic theory and magnetohydrodynamics of. In this chapter, we will be limiting that motion to a straight line. Using multiple clickers is an academic integrity violation. Vss university of technology burla, sambalpur, odisha, india768018 ph.

Dynamics1 dynamics2 dynamics3 work and energy1 work. They will be posted either just before or just after the lecture takes place. Lecture 1 pdf notes file lecture 2 power point lecture 2 pdf notes file lecture 3. Coursenotesforunit1ofthe udacitycoursest101introductiontostatistics. They are not to be copied or distributed without the consent of the author. Busses study guide kinematics vectors projectile motion newtons laws forces on an incline circular motion workenergy momentum statics rotational. The lectures are stored as pdf files and can be read by adobe acrobat reader click to download a. Please be aware that the individual file sizes are quite large 1m each. Chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11.

The following lecture notes for phys 221, optics and thermal. The lecture notes were prepared in latex by james silva, an mit student, based upon handwritten notes. For each lecture, the powerpoint file is available, along with a fullcolor 4slideperpage pdf version. Coursenotesforunit1oftheudacitycoursest101introductiontostatistics. These are the slides from the powerpoint presentation used in class. The lectures are stored as pdf files and can be read by adobe acrobat reader click to download a free copy from adobe.

This page contains links to typed versions of lectures given by dave boal. The following lecture notes are prepared based on the textbook \ physics for scientists and engineers, fourth edition, by giancoli for use in phy211, general physics. These notes make reference to the college physics, 10th hybrid edition 2015 textbook by serway and vuille. Jan 26, chapter 3 2d 3d motions, lecture pdf to xml converter ubuntu 05 pdf. The lectures are stored as pdf files and can be read by adobe acrobat reader click. Lecture notes for college physics i contents 1 vector algebra 1 2 kinematics of twodimensional motion 2 3 projectile motion 5 4 newtons laws of motion 8 5 force problems 12 6 forces due to friction and uniform circular motion 16 7 newtons law of universal gravitation 20 8 workenergy theorem i 22 9 workenergy theorem ii 24. Pre xes used for powers of ten in the metric system power pre x abbreviation 10 18 atto a 10 15 femto f 10 12 pico p 10 9 nano n 10 6 micro 10 3 milli m 10 2 centi c 10 1 deci d 101 deka da. They will be in pdf format to get acrobat reader for pdf files, click here. Mechanics at penn state university, hazleton campus. Lectures on kinetic theory and magnetohydrodynamics of plasmas. August 26, 2009 physics 111 4 administrative details 2 textbooks.

Lecture 1, pg 9 p101 lectures participation is key. It is primarily concerned with the arrangement of electrons around. Includes lecture notes in html format from galilei transformations to relativistic mechanics, including some thoughts on general relativity and problem sets. Introduction to philosophy, queens college, spring 2006 russell marcus, instructor email. These are the slides from the powerpoint presentation used in lecture. This class includes the opportunity for students to use the personal response system prs. They will be posted either just before or just after the class takes place. Available at bookstoreregister using link on our web page. This section contains lecture notes for the course. For convenience, the file with notes will be both in postscript and pdf formats. Students vote on answers electronically and their answers are tallied. Questions are posed to the class to stimulate discussion and indicate how concepts are going over. Maxwell showed that these waves propagate through the vacuum with a speed c. Donald luttermoser at east tennessee state university.

The following lecture notes for phys 221, optics and thermal physics, are the sole property of the author, prof. Atomic physics or atom physics is the field of physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. Units are a necessity they are part of any answer and the answer is wrong without them. The realm of atomic and nuclear physics nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies the building blocks and interactions of atomic nuclei. Phys 101 lecture 2 acceleration 2 3 2001 by david boal, simon fraser university. The purpose of these notes is to facilitate to the student the reading of the textbook, as well as the understanding of the concepts. Mechanics lecture notes for phys 111 abstract njit. A number of quantities in this chapter will be defined distance, displacement, average velocity, and instantaneous. Hyperphysicsonline lecture notes openstaxonline textbook khan academyyoutube lectures on virtually any topic mit lecturesyoutube lectures by walter lewin michael van biezens lectures mr. The open spaces are for notes, drawings, and students additional information received in class. Physics 101 general physics i is a first year course for students pursuing a program in the biological sciences. Pdf lecture notes on statistical mechanics course for the. These lecture notes contain comments and other enhanced material to make them more readable. Finally, part iii of these notes is dedicated to the marriage of kinetics and mhd and originates from the les houches lectures of 20 and 2015.

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